The  Chat    /    信  息

graphite drawing
29.6 x 29.6 cm x 8 P
colour printed wallpaper

The Chat (04) : Virus / 病毒
As ideal instruments for data management, algorithms can process massive amounts of information within a short span of time and are commonly applied to keyword searches and result presentation. However, under specific circumstances, the same technology can be used to conceal and block information. For instance, as the COVID-19 pandemic became increasingly serious in China, mainstream Chinese social platforms began to block words related to the pandemic. Citizen Lab, a research organisation under the University of Toronto in Canada, has studied this phenomenon and listed a staggering number of 517 groups of forbidden word combinations, including “virus,” “lockdown,” and so on. In this installation, eight vocabularies in two groups blocked or banned by algorithms are used in The Chat and are horizontally hand-drawn on paper in a manner that simulates digital prints through manual work. This recombination of the Chinese pictogram characters can be seen as an experiment in the technique of avoiding censorship on the internet and rethinking the meaning of surveillance technology.

The Chat (04) : Lockdown / 封城
Installation view at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei in Taiwan, 2021

Related information ︎
︎︎︎ Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei                           
︎︎︎ Han Nefkens Foundation                                                    
︎︎︎ Taishin Arts Award                                                                                
︎︎︎ World Art Foundation