The  Jog    /   慢  跑

video installation
1440 x 1080 or 1920 x 1080, 2 Channels, each 1 min on loop

Jogging in gyms or shopping in supermarkets appears to have become common activities in city life. Upon reaching a supermarket, checkout counters are always awaiting customers, much like the finish line awaits runners. Nowadays, a counter equipped with a mechanical conveyor belt is a standard fixture in modernised supermarkets. Customers can effortlessly place their goods on the belt, and the conveyor transports the items to the cashier. The rolling direction of the conveyor indicates the direction of the shopping journey. Instead of using a treadmill, an alternative perspective on daily human movement could involve jogging on the conveyor belt of checkout counters, moving against the direction of the cashier. The video The Jog comprises two segments: "Warm-up" and "Jogging." In the first part, the artist, dressed like an athlete, performs warm-up exercises either in corridors or near counters on the ground. In the second part, "Jogging," the artist simply attempts to jog on the belt of a counter.

Public screening at Miramar Entertainment Park during Nuit Blanche in Taipei, Taiwan, 2019. Photograph by Anpis Wang

Performance by Julia Mensch and film by Aurelio Kopainig
Special thanks for the support from Palatti

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