The  Link    /   鏈  結

2024-on going
video installation
1920 x 1080, 3 Channels
work commissioned by The Hong Foundation
video trailer ︎                                                      

As a series of abolitionist movements unfolded in the early 19th century, Western colonial empires encountered a severe shortage of labour in their tropical plantations worldwide. Coolies from Asia emerged as ideal substitutes, sustaining production tasks necessary for trade. These coolies, supplementing the human resource shortfall after the abolition of the slave trade, not only altered the distribution of agriculture, commodities, minerals, and natural resources in the Global South but also influenced the dispersion and aggregation of Asian ethnicities. From the portraits of coolies captured by British colonists in the past to the blueprint of the “World Digital Brain” crafted by Chinese multinational corporations through submarine cable connections, The Link endeavours to dismantle the gaze of con- trol technique and colonialism by regarding the islands in the Afrasian Sea as “key points” in this technical network through intricate image appropriation and observation, thereby reflecting on the history of exchanges in contemporary global waters across intertwined timelines. This film was produced in collaboration with the institute DGAP (German Coun- cil on Foreign Relations) in German, Rongxing Hakka Opera Troupe in Taiwan and the Aapravasi Ghat, the museum of Coolie histoy in Mauritius.

Installation view at Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) in Taipei, Taiwan, 202. Photograph by Sean Wang / The Hong Foundation

Special thanks for the support from The Hong Foundation and Foison Art Studio

Related Information ︎
︎︎︎ Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab               
︎︎︎ e-flux                                                                 
︎︎︎ Hong Foundation